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Dating can be a tricky terrain to navigate, especially when you are a tall person. Taller individuals often face unwanted attention and comments, which can make dating a challenging experience. It's important to remember that everyone has their unique physical traits, and height is just one of them. However, if you're struggling with negative comments or unwanted attention over your height, there are a few things you can do to overcome these stereotypes:

1. Be proud of your height: The first step to overcoming tall stereotypes in the dating world is to embrace your height. Instead of feeling self-conscious, learn to love your tallness and the advantages that come with it. Taller people often have more presence and are more easily noticed, making them stand out in a crowd. Many people find tall individuals attractive, and you should embrace this advantage.

2. Don't apologise for your height: You didn't choose your height, and it's certainly not something you need to apologise for. If someone makes a comment about your height, respond confidently and positively. For example, if someone says, "Wow, you're really tall," you could reply, "Yes, I am, and I love it!"

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Tall People Outdoors
Be Honest About Your Height


Be Honest About Your Height

3. Set boundaries: If someone is making unwanted comments about your height, it's vital that you set boundaries. Let the person know that their comments are making you uncomfortable and that you would prefer to move on to another topic. If the person continues to make comments that make you uncomfortable, it may be time to end the date or conversation altogether.

4. Don't settle for someone who doesn't respect you: It's important to remember that you deserve to be with someone who respects you and your physical traits, including your height. If someone is making derogatory comments or is only interested in you because of your height, it may be a sign that they don't respect you as a person. Don't settle for someone who doesn't appreciate you for who you are.

5. Educate others: Many people are unaware of the stereotypes that tall people face in the dating world. By educating others about these stereotypes, you can help to dispel them and promote greater acceptance of all body types. If someone makes an offensive comment about your height, take the opportunity to educate them about the harmful effects of such comments.

6. Surround yourself with positive people: Finally, surround yourself with positive people who appreciate you for who you are. Spend time with friends and family who love and support you, and join groups or clubs where you can meet like-minded people. By surrounding yourself with positive people, you will build up your confidence and feel more comfortable in your own skin.


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We have years of trusted tall people matchmaking under our belts, with a dedicated Trust and Safety team by your side.
We take the protection of your privacy very seriously. Our guarantee to you is that we will always safeguard and respect your privacy.

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